
TigerSafe App Redesign​

TigerSafe is a campus safety app of the Rochester Institute of Technology. It integrates with RIT’s safety and security systems. The app is designed to use in uncertain or emergency circumstances on campus.


UIUX Redesign


15 Weeks


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Adobe After Effects


UX Research, UI Design, Visual Design


Campus Safety App




Each year university students throughout the country become victims of stalking, sexual assault, robbery, and other crimes. It causes fear among the students of the university community. Therefore, many universities have developed a campus safety app to extend their emergency communication systems.

Why Redesign?

TigerSafe app can be improved through UIUX. I have observed that the same template is being used across universities worldwide, making them look similar, and many received terrible reviews. The main objective of the app was to quickly and easily call for help in an emergency. But Unfortunately, Students suffered a lot of difficulties in using its complex interfaces and features. 

Heuristic Evaluations

I gained insight into the original Tiger safe app overall experience through the heuristic evaluations, and it also lets me quickly discover some usability problems in the app.

Top 3 pressing usability problems:

the visibility of system status

user control and freedom

flexibility and efficiency of use

Competitive Analysis

To discover features that other commercial safety apps have, I perform a competitive analysis and also take advantage and add more depth of their good points into my redesign.


Noonlight is an app that can trigger requests for emergency services. The users can trigger an alarm by clicking a button or connecting other smart devices to trigger alarms automatically.


a minimalist design

good visibility

clear instruction


easy to trigger a false alarm

police take 4 minutes to get the GPS location

app location sent to the police is an error


Bond is an app that has a comprehensive suite of services that address an array of safety concerns. It acts as a virtual security guard through a chat, video, or call.


provide peace of mind

face to face interaction

useful function ex siren, connect to a Dr., roadside assistance 


inconsistent design

poor touch target


Citizen is an app that sends users location-based safety alarms in real-time. It lets users read updates about ongoing news, broadcast live videos, and leave comments.


community power

help to avoid dangerous scenarios


immoderation of comments

unnecessary notifications over important ones 


61 participants 

The primary purpose of this survey was to understand more about safety issues on campus.  


About 80% of the participants in the survey were female students.






Nearly 20% of the respondent said they have been in a situation on campus where they felt frightened or unsafe.  

Most of them feel uncomfortable when walking alone at night. 

The reason why they felt unsafe because the campus doesn’t have enough light

Some respondents mentioned that they are more nervous due to being unfamiliar with the campus during freshmen year.

felt frightened or unsafe.  

Actions taken by respondents

The most frequent action taken from respondents to increase campus safety was to stay in well-lit areas, with approximately 80%.

The percentage of “walk with others” and “let others know where I will be ” are slightly smaller than that of “stay in well-lit areas“, accounting for 70% and 60%, respectively.

One-third of respondent carry some self-defence tool.

It is interesting to note that more respondents use a commercial safety app than a specific campus safety app.

Just a minority of participants use an emergency call box or request a campus safety escort.


I create a persona in order to have a deep understanding and empathy with campus safety app target user. And also better recognize their needs and frustrations.

The Redesign



Brick is a new campus safety app for RIT, an app that can help you in a difficult situation.


Benefits-Oriented Onboarding

Make the in-app permission request less “scary” by explaining the benefits of allowing access.


Crisis Map

Reported incidents appear as  warning icons around a map of a user’s location.


AR navigation feature

Users can hold their phones up to show real-time surroundings to improve situational awareness and greater visibility of any potential threats.


Contact Public Safety

Reach out to Public safety via chat, call, or live video with one click.


Emergency SOS

Hold down the SOS button for 3-seconds to activate the SOS alarm. Public safety will be notified of your location and will contact you immediately. Cancel the SOS only after you enter a PIN.


Automatic Recording

Once the SOS alarm is activated, Brick will record both audio and video. The recordings will be sent to public safety automatically.



Long press to activate a loud alarm and flashing lights when you want to attract as much attention as possible in a dangerous situation. 


Fake Call

Let your phone call you to get out of threatening situations.


Track my walk

Feel secure by allowing Public Safty or your friends to track your walk.


Secondary Access

To report incidents, request escort, support, and setting, which are not primary functions in emergencies, click the hamburger menu button.


Information Architecture

I use information architecture to help me design the navigational context of the redesigned app. It also helps me organize the content properly and easily for the users to understand.



The wireframe lets me visualize space constraints and design the hierarchy of elements on the app, which helps me prioritize content.

Inspiration Board​

My inspiration came from minimalism art to present the concept of brick cause ”Brick City” trademark RIT. Also, I create cartoon style illustrations with thick outlines and vibrant colors to encourage students to use this app and make it easier for them to understand its benefits.

Style Guide

Usability Testing

I conduct usability testing for my redesign app to gain feedback from the user to see if the redesign improves the user experience and try to discover bugs that I didn’t notice.

What's Next?

I would like to consider the other role of the app user, the public safety staff, and conduct contextual inquiry with them to find the interaction between the student role and the public safety staff role and create new screens that are used by the public safety staff.

Interested in working with me ?